On January 25, 2020, we conducted a live stream discussing how passed loved ones can come and visit us in our dreams. The presentation covered the differences between real dreams and visitation dreams, as well as, how frequent this type of phenomenon occurs.

In the beginning of our show we cover some "Our Haunted Travels" updates; however, if you look in the description of the video on YouTube, there is a link to where the topic begins. You can watch the playback of the live stream below.
The following is the presentation we used during our live show.
Research Resources
As educators and researchers, we put a lot of time into our live streams and presentations. The following are the resources that were used for this presentation. Click on the images to view the associated websites.
In the live stream we mentioned a particular song that was written based on a visitation dream. We also mentioned a video that we watched that provided us the idea to use this subject as a topic for our show. The following is that video. I tried to embed the video starting at the conversation about the song, but could not get that to work properly. The conversation starts at 5:14 if you would like to skip ahead in the video.

Please let us know down in the comments below if you believe you have experienced a visit by a loved one who has passed in your dreams. We would love to hear about your experiences.