In July of 2015, we traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and went looking for different locations associated and linked to one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin.
Of course we had to stop off at the Christ Church Burial Ground to visit his grave, and no we did not throw pennies on top of it. In fact, the top of the grave site has been recently replaced due to chipping form those throwing pennies on top of the grave.
Another place we visited was the location where his house once stood. Unfortunately, his home and workshop are no longer present; however, this is a frame built in its location depicting what the house once looked like. You can check out our video below for more information about the home and workshop.
The Ghost of Benjamin Franklin has been reported throughout Philadelphia, and it was hard to tie the following "Ghost Stories and Folklore" video to just one specific location. We found that it was fitting to just attach it with the records of his grave site. So, if you would like to hear some more information about the ghostly apparition of Benjamin Franklin, please be sure to check out our following video.