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Visiting Fort Ligonier - Recording Some Soldiers

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

In July of 2015 we took a day trip out to Ligonier, Pennsylvania to visit the fort and stop and have some lunch. Little did we know what we would capture on recording during this visit.

We were not aware of any type of paranormal activity for the fort; however, Marianne had her recorder going while we walked around the different buildings taking pictures and checking out some of the artifacts. If you would like to visit the fort yourself, it is located at 200 S Market St, Ligonier, PA 15658 and you can check their website for operational hours and admission prices.

Like I mentioned, this was just a day trip adventure that we went on to get out of house on a nice summer day. The fort is only a couple of hours from our house, just on the other side of Pittsburgh, and this was the first time we visited the fort together.

Fort Ligonier is a British fortification from the French and Indian War located in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, United States. The fort served as a staging area for the Forbes Expedition of 1758. During the eight years of its existence as a garrison, Fort Ligonier was never taken by an enemy. It served as a post of passage to the new Fort Pitt, and during Pontiac's War of 1763, was a vital link in the British communication and supply lines. It was attacked twice and besieged by the Native Americans, prior to the decisive victory at Bushy Run in August of that year. The fort was decommissioned from active service in 1766. Today, there is a museum next to the reconstructed fort. Inside the museum there are artifacts from the battle. An individual can take a guided tour of the fort, and on Fort Ligonier Days, the fort's cannons are fired.

If you would like to learn more about the fort, please watch our history profile video below.

I am not sure what made Marianne turn on her recorder while we were there. We really had no idea or inkling of any type of paranormal activity, but something told her to turn it on and have it running. It wasn't until later when we came home and started working on growing our YouTube channel did we perform some research and find out that that there are some paranormal claims at the fort. In the following "Ghost Stories and Folklore" video, you can find out more about the paranormal activity.

Both Marianne and myself had cameras as we walked around the fort and the museum. Together we took over 400 photographs and we put together the following photo slide show if you would like to see more photos from the fort. There is also a link down below to the on-line photo album that contains the all of our photos as well.

Once we found out about the paranormal activity, we went back and listened to Marianne's recording form the fort. In the following two videos you will hear some EVPs that she captured during out visit.

Have you visited the fort? Please let us know down in the comments if you had any experiences while you were there. Also, please let us know what you think about what we captured.

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