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Visiting the Silver Bridge Disaster Location

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

On July 8, 2019, we traveled to Point Pleasant, West Virginia and one of our stops was the location of the Silver Bridge Collapse in 1967. We spent some time at the location and the memorial.

The memorial to the bridge is located at one of the major intersections of downtown Point Pleasant at the spot where the road approached the bridge to head out over the Ohio River. At the memorial, they have bricks listing the names of all of the victims and various placards marking the remembrance to the event. It is a very somber location to be standing thinking about those who drove down this path towards the bridge on December 15, 1967.

To find out more about the bridge, and what happened, please watch the our following video.

The following are some of the photos form the memorial location.

Leading up to the approach towards where the bridge once stood, there is now a flood wall. On that wall, there is a mural depicting what you would see if the bridge was still there.

Eventually, we made our way out to the river, past the flood wall and there is another marker by the river showing where the bridge once stood. If you had no idea about the Silver Bridge, you could hardly tell that it was even there before. In the following photograph, you will see the Silver Bridge, but notice the railroad bridge that is in the picture as well.

Here is a picture of that location. You can see the railroad bridge in comparison as to where the Silver Bridge was located. Side note, that railroad bridge is still in use, there was a train that went over it in the middle of the night. We witnessed it from our room at the Lowe Hotel.

It is a little walk out to the memorial placard location, but it is not too bad. One thing that I want to mention. Although this is along the river, if the temperature is hot outside, make sure to take some water with you. This area with the gravel road, and that flood wall blocking any type of breeze, it does get a little warm.

We are glad that we had this location on our list of stops during this trip. We have known about the Silver Bridge for a long time now and have spoke about it on our "Haunted Spotlight" segment and in our pod casts in the past. To actually be there at the location, after doing all of the research we have done, it was a great experience.

Please leave us a comment below letting us know if you have been here before, or would like to visit the location some time in the future.

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