In July of 2017, we traveled to the Antietam Battlegrounds, and as we were driving around learning about the different locations, we came across the Mumma Cemetery. Of course we had to stop and check it out.

This is a very interesting cemetery with an even more interesting history. It is stop #6, on the Antietam Battle field driving tour, The Mumma Farm and Cemetery. The cemetery was established as a family plot way before the Mumma's purchased the property. When we got out of the car, we walked down that long creepy path between the cornfields back to the cemetery. That was interesting. Once we got there and started to look around, Marianne broke out her recorder and started a session. It was windy that day, but we may have got an interesting repose to one of her questions. Check out the video below... then continue reading to get the explanation about her question.
There is no formal address for the cemetery, but it is located on the driving tour, right next to the Mumma Farm.
The Mumma Farm, was the only civilian building that was destroyed during the Civil War battled that took place here. The Confederates set fire to the farm so that Union sharp shooters would not take it over and use the buildings as sniper nests. The farm was completely destroyed.

The Mummas spent the winter at the Sherrick farm near Burnside Bridge and were able to rebuild in 1863. After the war, the Federal Government compensated residents for damage caused by Union soldiers. However, since this farm was burned by Confederates, the Mummas received no compensation. Starting in 1870 the family deeded interest in this burial ground to local families. Neighbors who suffered from war and came together to rebuild their community, now rest together in this peaceful enclosure.
We are glad that we stopped off at this cemetery and took the time to walk back through the creepy cornfield. If you have been here yourself in the past, please let us know down in the comments below.
