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Woman in White - Woodlawn Cemetery Toledo

Stopping at haunted locations in Toledo, Ohio would not be complete without including the historic Woodlawn Cemetery. Take a moment and take a drive through this beautiful cemetery, or follow along with us as we did in May of 2019.

It is reported (we found through our research) that this location is haunted by a woman dressed in white who is said to be seen around the gates of the cemetery.

She often stops visitors and asks them if they have seen her daughter, then she disappears. When we questioned if we wanted to stop here on our adventure of looking for haunted locations throughout Toledo, the simple answer was, "Yes, please!"

Marianne got a great shot of the historical marker documenting the history of the cemetery, so for the history, check out the Ohio Historic Marker above.

We did enjoy our drive through the cemetery and unexpectedly, it was quite busy the day we were there with some traffic. As we drove through the grounds, Marianne was able to get some shots, but there was one particular grave site that had a placard that we had to circle back around and stop and take a look. As you may or may not know, we are suckers for placards.

From the Haunted Toledo Facebook Page about the pyramid:

The pyramid stands 26' tall and weighs an estimated 1000 tons. It marks the grave of John Gunckel, the founder of the Toledo Newsboys Association. Many people have claimed to capture interesting, ghostly photos around this monument.​

We put together a video talking about the paranormal activity at this location and others around the Toledo area. You can check out that video right here:

For some reason that we cannot explain, we do get excited when we visit cemeteries. Is it due to the history that can be found within the gates, the "creepy" nature of cemeteries, or just enjoying the peacefulness on the grounds. Maybe it is a combination of all of those. What a great cemetery.

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