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Following Eisenhower Through Gettysburg

In this blog post (and video) we will share with you different places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania that are related to and associated with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. From when he first visited Gettysburg until his passing.

Our video below will cover the rest of the information that we will be discussing here in this blog posts. We created this video the week that we covered the Eisenhower National Historic site in Gettysburg, and wanted to review some of the other locations that were related to the Eisenhowers.

Ike first visited Gettysburg in 1915 when he was a senior at the United States Military Academy. His entire class came to study the history, strategy, and tactics of the battle. Later in 1918, Camp Colt was opened in Gettysburg. The commander of Camp Colt was Captain Dwight D. Eisenhower with it being his first command. Eisenhower would earn the rank of Major, and the Distinguished Service Medal for his efforts at Camp Colt, and he and his wife, Mamie, fell in love with the area. After retiring from the military, the Eisenhowers made their home near Gettysburg, west of Seminary Ridge.

During the spring and summer of 1918, the Eisenhowers rented a fraternity house that was empty for the summer months. This building now houses the Eisenhower Institute, and can be found within the buildings of Gettysburg College.

While the Eisenhowers where in Gettysburg, they attended the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church and later became members when they moved into town. This is the same church that Abraham Lincoln visited after delivering the Gettysburg Address and there are placards designating both Lincoln and Eisenhower's seating within the church.

In 1950, just before his presidency, the Eisenhower's purchased a farm just outside of town in Gettysburg and had it renovated while they were in the White House. After moving to Gettysburg permanently, Ike wanted to have an office outside of the farm and rented a building that is now the admissions office of Gettysburg College. There is a stature of Ike outside of the front of the building.

The only home that the Eisenhowers ever owned is now the Eisenhower National Historical Site in Gettysburg. This farm was renovated and most of the design work was done by Mamie. An agreement was made with the National Park Service to donate the property providing that the Eisenhowers had life long residency, and once Ike, then Mamie passed it was turned over and re-opened to the public. All of the items and furnishings within the home and farm belonged to the Eisenhowers.

Please be sure to leave us a comment down below if you have visited any of these locations in Gettysburg. We would love to hear more about your adventures.

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