The old Austintown Fitch High School was a building that stood in Austintown, Ohio. We have been to this location several times, and have heard from various members in the community about the paranormal activity that once took place in this building.

The building was demolished, but we do have a piece of the building.

We do not have too many photos from this location. This is one of those places that you drive by often and never consider stopping to take pictures. Especially when it is in your hometown area and was sitting vacant for many years. Well, the building was eventually sold and rumors are that someday in the near future there will be a brand new grocery store built on the location.
As mentioned earlier, his building was the Austintown High School, but eventually it became a middle school. Marianne had the opportunity to do some of her student teaching field work in this building with a sixth grade class while working on her education degree.
I'm not going to place a map on this post for this location, because at the moment it is just an empty lot. But, we did make a video about the building as somewhat a memorial.
We do have something that we can remember the building with in the future. We purchased a pen that was being sold as a fundraiser for the school. (We also have this archived in our collection database). The pen was made from the floorboards in the gym. A friend of ours were selling these, and we just had to have one for ourselves.
Let us know down in the comments if you remember the old Austintown Fitch Building. We would really like to hear from some former students, especially if they experienced anything that was... well out of the ordinary.
