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Spanish Military Hospital - St. Augustine

Updated: Sep 10, 2022

During our second visit to St. Augustine in July of 2010, Marianne looked around and booked us on a Ghost Tour (our second) that began at the Spanish Military Hospital in St. Augustine.

During the day before the tour, we decided to go and take the day "historical" tour of the building. We now believe that Marianne had a paranormal experience while we were inside.

The hospital is full of period medical devices that were used during the time that that Spain occupied the city. During the day tour, they show you some of these devices and explain how they were used for medical treatment. If you would like to learn more about the tours you can check out the Spanish Military Hospital website. The building is located at 3 Aviles St, St. Augustine, FL 32084.

As we were watching the demonstration on alchemy, something came over Marianne and she had to go back out into the lobby to sit down for the rest of the tour. At first, we thought this was some kind of heat exhaustion since it was extremely hot outside and we came into the air conditioning, but this was the first and last time this has ever happened to Marianne. She basically was instantly drained and almost passed out. Was there something else that was using her energy while we were there? We didn't think about that until much, much later, but it was an interesting experience.

Some of the other medical devices in the museum are quite interesting. That have them displayed and markers explaining how they used to be used for medical treatment. You will have to forgive the photography in some of the photographs below. Like I mentioned, our main photographer "Marianne" was sitting out in the lobby area trying to re-coup and I told her I would go in and get these pictures for her.

If you would like to learn about some more history of this building, please check out our paranormal profile video below.

If you are into the paranormal claims of locations and would like to learn some of the reports from this building, we also produced a "Ghost Stories and Folklore" video discussing the paranormal claims.

As I mentioned, later on that night went went on our second ever ghost tour that began at the hospital. The tour not only went over some of the paranormal activity within the building, but we also walked around the town a bit and learned about some of the other paranormal activity. If you would like to learn more about our experiences here at the hospital, please check out our following video.

Another thing I would like to point out, the St. Augustine Spanish Military Hospital was the very first location that was added to the database. Please let us know if you have ever visited the site and share your experiences with us in the comments below.

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