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Investigating and Staying at the Cashtown Inn

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

In July of 2018, we traveled once again to Gettysburg, Pa. and on this trip we decided to take a night on the way home and spend the night at the Cashtown Inn, in Cashtown, Pa.

This location has been on the bucket list for some time since it is an extremely active paranormal location and has been in the paranormal database for some time now with several paranormal related stories and documented paranormal claims. Of course it would have to be on our bucket list.

The Cashtown Inn is located about 8 miles west of Gettysburg at 1325 Old Rt. 30 in Orrtanna, PA. You can use the map below for directions.

We put together a video about the history of the location, our experiences and have included the full investigation that we did in our room the night that we stayed at the Inn. You can check that out below:

History of the Cashtown Inn

The Cashtown Inn was built in 1797. The crossroads it sat near would eventually bear the same name, Cashtown. In 1815, owner Peter Marck acquired a tavern license and originally had four rooms available.

During the Gettysburg Campaign, the inn became the headquarters for many Confederate officers and staff, including Generals A. P. Hill, John D. Imboden, and Henry Heth. The basement also served as a field hospital during the battle, and it is said that so many amputations were performed, that the limbs piled up outside blocked any sunlight from coming in the cellar window.

Our Experiences and Investigation

We grabbed a bit of dinner before leaving Gettysburg and headed out to the Cashtown Inn to be there before our scheduled live stream at 5 p.m. Unfortunately, although we did get some signal strength, it wasn't that great as far as video. Most of the audio did turn our so if you want to check out that live stream we did on location you can check it out here:

Marianne took some time and went around and got some photos while I rested up on the porch a bit before the live show started. I wasn't really resting much as I was trying to get us a good signal for the live stream. We had planned this all out and brought a lot of equipment with us, but when the signal strength is not there, we do not have a booster. We did the best we could with what we had to work with.

We brought travel Boris with us on this trip, so Marianne decided to do a little photo shoot so we had some pictures with him (our mascot) at the location.

When we were finished with our live stream, we found ourselves to be the only guests at the Inn at the time, so we took advantage of this opportunity to go around inside and get some great photos documenting the inside of the building. Marianne even went down in the basement with the caretaker (video in the first video above) and got some photos and video.

We stayed in room #4 at the Inn. The room was very clean and we had our own bathroom which is very nice. It was getting later in the day so we decided to settle down for a little while and maybe do some investigating in our room (again video of that investigation is in the first video listed above).

You really tell a location has paranormal claims and is accepted of those seeking the paranormal when they keep a paranormal journal from previous guests in the room and they provide you an informational flyer requesting that you do not use Ouija Boards.

Marianne set up a test in the room that she found in the journals. It seemed that when others would leave change sitting on the notebook they could document that when they left the room and came back that the change would move. Of course we had to test out that theory as well, so she set it up and we left it there on the dresser until we left after breakfast the following morning. Unfortunately, we did not have the same experience, but it was worth a test. We still have the coins from that experiment and have them archived in our paranormal collection.

The following morning we got up and went down for breakfast. We were up a bit late and if you know me (Shawn), I don't do well in the mornings until I get a cup of coffee in me.

The room where you go to eat, has some cool artifacts hanging on the walls. One of those is the actual sign they had on the front of the building when they filmed the movie "Gettysburg". It was pretty neat to see that since we have seen the movie several times.

Again, Marianne took the time to go around the room and get some photos. We were the only ones there at the time for breakfast so it was a great chance to document some of the more artifacts that are in the room.

We did have a great experience staying at the Inn. It was a peaceful visit and breakfast was great the following morning. We stayed here back in 2018 and since then the Inn has new owners and management. From the reviews we have seen so far, it seems that the tradition that they Inn has had since 1797 continues. Let us know down in the comments if you have stayed at the Inn before and share your experience with us. We would love to hear about it.

Photo taken by caretaker of us standing on the porch.

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